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Member since ‎12-03-2002

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  • 28 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 20 Helpful votes Given
  • 5 Helpful votes Received
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Hi,I've recently installed some C9300 switches and there's no space on the front to print a label for a hostname for identification going forward.I cant be the first person to ever have had this problem, I've done searches online for potential soluti...
Can anyone give me some guidance on registering a CSRv to a satellite Smart licensing server, I'm generating the token and attempting to register but I get a "token not vaild" response. Config on CSRv, confirmation I can reach Sat server via IP and c...
Hi, I currently have a 4500X VSS paired with a system ID of 1 and have a requirement to change this value to another number due to a clash in the environment. Has anyone gone through the process of changing a VSS system ID? Do I need to wipe all conf...
Hi, I am currently trying to deploy 2 Cisco Prime 3.5 Virtual Appliances in HA mode, the primary device is setup and the secondary has been configured to be a secondary node. When I initialize the process to register the primary with the secondary I ...
Hi, I am trying to install a SSL certifcate and key on Prime v3.5 and running into an issue. On a fresh install of version 3.0 I am able to successfully run the following; PRIMESVR/admin#copy ftp://#.#.#.#/mykey.key disk:defaultRepoPRIMESVR/admin#cop...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-03-2002 08:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-22-2023 12:01 AM
Posts 28
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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