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Member since ‎12-17-2010

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hello,We are connecting a cisco router (819)  to wireless lan network (lwapp) through its wireless interface.clients ---> 819 ---->AP (WGB) ------ lwapp ----- AP ---> LAN ---> servers.since the clients are on the same subnet as the the VLAN on the lw...
Hello,I have configured nexus 1010 with version (4.0(4)SP1(1)) in HA mode.I have configured a vsm with following versions:boot kickstart bootflash:/nexus-1000v-kickstart-mz.4.0.4.SV1.3b.bin sup-1boot system bootflash:/nexus-1000v-mz.4.0.4.SV1.3b.bin ...
Hi,In order to secure my vmotion network, I need to hide the vmware port-profile in the drop down list in the vm nic properties, is this something feasible with nexus 1000v ? if so, what command line does the trick ?I went through all Cisco documents...
Hi,I am looking for voip encryption solution, Cisco Canada(Montreal) said that this solution has never been deployed, at least in Canada.I can't believe that Cisco secure voip is not deployed in our government institutions which means that any networ...
Hi,It seems like the Cisco voip solution supports the voice encryption via SRTP protocol.At this point, this solution has never been deployed in the Canadian market. I asked Cisco Canada (Montreal), they said that no Canadian client has deployed such...
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Member Since ‎12-17-2010 10:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-14-2019 11:42 PM
Posts 11
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