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Member since ‎02-29-2012

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I have setup an Ironport with TLS in prefered mode.  If I telnet to the device and issue starttls it returns go ahead with tls which I take as a good sign.  What I want to do it fully test it by actually sending an email via telnet over TLS.  Can any...
I want to setup a content filter that does a certain action but I want the condition to be if the message came from an email address in a list of source addresses.  I seem to only be able to apply one.  I really dont want to have to create 200 condit...
I know the Ironport cluster is not like your traditional cluster where you have a VIP and redundant hardware to ensure seamless failover should a device fail.  Im keen to hear then how others have achieved a Highly available state for incoming emails...
I know it is recomended to give an ironport ESA a public IP on a dedicated interface to take advantge of the reputation checking etc.  I believe this is so it recieves the email frmo the original sender IP and if you put a relay between the Ironport ...
Can anyone help with what is probably a simple question.  I will be pointing an ASA to use an RSA server fro 2 factor login using SDI.  THere will be a primary and a replica (for redundancy) RSA server.  Normally if you where pointing a windows machi...
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Member Since ‎02-29-2012 02:10 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 19
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