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Member since ‎02-28-2022

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This is an older set of hardware in our lab, otherwise I would opened a TAC case, hoping someone may have some ideas.  One of nodes had a power issue and apparently the storage controller vm got hosed.  When it boots this message comes on the console...
Have a customer that wants to connect their NetApp AFF150 to their 6300.  The NetApp only supports 10GbE, is it possible to use a CVR-QSFP-SFP10G adapter on the FI side and set the port to 10GbE and it function ok?   Having a hard time finding clear ...
Inherited some gear that we are trying to set up in the lab.  Consists of 2 x 6248 FIs and 4 HXAF 220C M5SX with the 1387 MLOM.   The issue we are having is getting the FIs to discovery the 4 servers.  Following the troubleshooting checklist, my thou...
Doing my first deployment of a UCSX system through Intersight.  I am used to how UCSM would allow you specify VLAN and MTU per VNIC template.  I have not been able to find anything similar when creating VNICs in Intersight.  I feel as though I have l...
Getting this error when trying to stage the storfs upgrade file. Unable to validate package.  Session.connect: Connection refused (Connection refused) I have tried multiple browsers (Chrome/Firefox/IE/Edge) same issue (I do...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-28-2022 12:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-29-2023 06:40 AM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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