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Member since ‎06-16-2022

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  • 28 Posts
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  • 10 Helpful votes Received
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Hello. With this trend of hyperconverged architectures and software-defined datacenters, I wondered how these new technologies are going to coexist with software-defined networks such as ACI solutions. I understand that the term hyperconvergence and ...
Hi, I have to migrate from an ASA with a firepower module managed from an FMC, to a firepower managed from an FMC. My doubt arises with the migration tool, does it serve me to perform the migration of the ASA configurations, nothing else? because I u...
Hello It is to know if you could help me with the functions of the cfs eth distribute feature in Nexus devices, since I would like to know what the Switch uses them for.
Hello. I have an implementation with a Nexus 9k and a Fabric Extender 2k in a few months and I would like to do a lab, however by Eve-NG the Nexus that I manage to assemble do not have the Fabric Extender feature and I do not know very well in what e...
Hello, I have a client who installed an ASR Edge router and wants to give public IPs to his clients, the truth is that I have been researching but I cannot find the material on how to do this. I understand that I have to connect the ASR to an AS BGP ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-16-2022 08:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-21-2022 11:37 AM
Posts 28
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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