Communications Manager won't build configuration files for 3rd party phones. There is no standard configuration file format so each vendor has their own unique format. You will need to build the configuration file for the phone and either upload it t...
VT Advantage will not work with IP Communicator. You can run both on the same PC but VTA can not use IP Communicator as the phone. It must be a 7940, 7960, or 7970.
CCC will always attempt to extend conferences if there are clients connected to a conference. There are two cases where a conference is stopped - even if clients are connected:1. Another conference is starting - and that conference takes the total po...
By default CME will register the phone extensions with the gatekeeper. So it's telling you the CME router already registered those extensions with the Gatekeeper so you can't put in a conflicting zone prefix.If you don't want CME to register the pho...
You can integrate Unity with CME and as far as CME is concerned Unity is Unity. So there's no reason you can do a Domino Unified Messaging server with CME.The 7970 on the other hand is not supported with CM 3.1 or 3.2 for that matter. There will be ...