I want to configure clocking on a router with this configuration:QUEEN#show inventoryNAME: "2651XM chassis", DESCR: "2651XM chassis"PID: C2651XM-2FE , VID: 2.0, SN: JAE08083B32NAME: "Enhanced High Density Voice Network Module", DESCR: "Enhanced...
Router (A) can not take any call from outside (any IP and Router B - not registerd to any gatekeeper) when it is registered on gatekeeper . When Router B tries to establish a "plar" connection, I see RRJ messages in GnuGK logs to Router B. Why? How ...
I need to "calling number 199 and 200" can use only dial-peer voice 1 pots and "calling number 250 and 300" can use dial-peer voice 2 pots. Is it possible?USERS-AVAYA-E1-Cisco 2801+VIC2-4FXO + IPVOICEThank you.
I wanted to save one slot in my 2621XM - this is one of main reasons I have bought VWIC-2MFT-E1 instead of 2 one-head controllers. Also I installed 1 AIM-VOICE30. (I need 2 e1 PRIs with only 16 timeslots in each)I have 2 E1 links, first - from my tel...
As I understand PVDMs NM-HD2-VE allready has a PVDM on board (equal to PVDM2-48 ???), any I have created pri-group on each controller, and I think this means that PVDMs resources are available. Anyway thank you for yor reply
Thank you for your reply. Anyway. that did not help me. Let me explain again my task.I have 4 FXO ports and 2 PRIs ports.First PRI is external at looks at SP1.Second PRI is internal at looks at Avaya G650. Users are behind this PBX.4 FXO pots looks S...
Yes, I told you the principles before, it's not always necessary to go over configuration. - I am sorry, I really do not understand what this means... Does it means that the principle is - Answer the questions and never give a config?