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Member since ‎02-07-2003

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Hello,I have what I think is a very basic question about the WLAN Controllers yet I can't seem to find the answer in the manuals.The "thick" Cisco APs act as L2 bridges. They forward frames at L2. How do the Controllers work? Are end user packets tun...
Hello,I'm trying to understand how EAP-TLS handles WEP key rotation (it does use WEP keys for data encryption right?). Is the rotation done automatically or do you have to use WPA/TKIP in the AP config? We have the following config and users are succ...
Hello,Does anyone know if it is possible to use 1 WLSE to manage 2 (or more) completely independant Cisco WLAN deployments? Each deployment would be using it's own ACS (RADIUS), WDS, etc... WLSE is the only common piece in both. When entering the WLC...
Hello,I recently upgraded my Cisco 1220 AP to 12.3(2)JA IOS. I also updated by Client (Toshiba Laptop running WinXP SP1) to the latest ACU Client using version 1.5 of the Wizard. The NIC is a 350 Series Cisco PCMCIA card. It is now on Firmware 5.60.0...
Hello,Has anyone tried using the WLSE Security Policies? There is no information in the WLSE User Guide as to what configs they check. The Policies are checked via SNMP. By doing a tcpdump of the WLSE traffic I've managed to figure out which OIDs the...
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Member Since ‎02-07-2003 12:11 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-27-2018 12:18 AM
Posts 31
Total Helpful Votes Received 4
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