debasish rout
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Member since ‎02-07-2012

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Dear Experts; I have a migration from UCCE 7.5(MCS) to UCCE 10.0(UCS). My plan as below. 1. take the SQL backup of UCCE 7.5 AWDB and HDS with .bak file name.2. take the SQL backup of UCCE 7.5 RGR and bA dialer from Rogger with .bak file.3. Made the n...
Dear Experts; Good Morning. We have call manager 7.1.3 in MCS and we want to upgrade to cucm 10.0 which is in UCS BE7k. Since this is not the direct upgrade we have to go through 8.6.1. So we have 2 option. 1.Either through 8.6.1 to 10.0 or 2.Thr...
Dear Experts; We have one customer with call manager 7.1 and this is out of support from cisco and they are migrating to 10.5. They have limited phone license so they want to free some unused licenses and when i went through Device--Phone we found ...
Dear Experts; i have a tech Refresh upgrade from cisco UCCE 7.5 (In MCS Server )to UCCE 10.5(Cisco UCS). I went so many post but not able to find a good document to start with. I have prepared all the UCCE server VM like VRUPG,CMPG,RGR, etc and in...
Dear Experts; Good day. I have one customer where we have CUCM 7.1.3 in MCS server and we want to migrate to cisco BE7k UCS with CUCM 10.5. I  have installed the CUCM 10.5 in BE7k and with different IP address. Now my question is how I will take ...
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Member Since ‎02-07-2012 04:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-26-2021 12:17 AM
Posts 55
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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