Dear All; I got a Cisco 800 router which I couldn't configure, please send me a configuration file for the PPPoE and username: UN and Password: password, I want enable DHCP.Many thnx all....:)
Hi,When I ping I get differnt TTL value,can u describe the cause of this situation and the solution please.ThanksAhmed TantawyN.B., a snapshot is attached
when i ping i get reply with a differnt TTL, i want an explanation for that problem....Thank you for your helpAhmed TantawyN.B.,a snapshot to the ping is attached.
I have a serious problemI'm a senior network administrator in a huge company. my section includes 10 PCs one of them is my manager PC.the problem is that the manager's PC isn't accessible by all hosts of the network although rest of machines are acce...
Dear Sir:I'm sure that the firewall on the manager's PC is disabled, and that is the reason i launch my problem to be solvedeng: Ahmed TantawyNetwork Admin.