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Member since ‎10-13-2005

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Dear all,Is there any report provided by IPIVR / CallManager which can monitor the number of concurrent calls of a CTI Route Point?We are using CallManager 4.1.3 and IPIVR 4.0.4.Thanks in advance.
Hi there,We have encountered the captioned error when we tried to save an ICM script when using Internet Script Editor. Does anyone know if this is configurable or not? If not, is there any workaround, or how could we split an ICM script in smaller p...
Hi there,We want to conduct a load test on our IPCC servers by simulating call traffic of 100+ calls queuing in the system? Is there any tool/simulation available? Or, we must write our own application by using the CTIOS toolkit to place incoming cal...
Hi there,Does anyone know how to configure skill level so that the most experienced agents would always answer the calls first. If they are all engaged, then the inexperience agents would then answer the calls.I am using CCM 4.1.3, not legacy PABX.Th...
Hi there,We have two problems on the CTIOS Supervisor Desktop running on IPCC 7.0. Please find the attached file:1) On the "CTI Toolkit Team Real-Time Status for Voice" window, there was no agent available (as circle). However, on the "CTI Toolkit S...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-13-2005 05:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 29
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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