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Member since ‎02-20-2023

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Hi everyoneWe have an asr9k-x64 (V7.9.21) with an A9K-48X10GE-1G-TR linecard.we have bundled 8 TenG Links to BE5 with the following configs for each vlan:  interface Bundle-Ether5.10 l2transport description VLAN10 encapsulation dot1q 10 rewrite ingre...
Hihere is the scenario.We are giving 3Gbps internet service to a user through 2 connection.there are 2 different vlan ids and 2 bgp peers with the user.we the serving the service on an ASR1002-HX and the vlans are coming through a port-channel with 2...
Hi everyonelets assume we have 2 cisco 3750x switches with 4 Gig interfaces to each other that are channled into Po10.3750X||||||||3750Xfor this scenario the etherchannel uses either mode ON or LACP and loadbalances based on src-dst-ip.using the comm...
Hi everyoneWe are giving some lac-lns services to local isp but after a packet loss or some kind of interruption, the sessions dont establish anymore.I simulated the scenario in eve-ng and the same thing happened. the session log is attached.after de...
Hi EveryoneMy question might seem dumb but is there a way for a cisco 4500x to switch traffic between 2 interfaces (trunk or access) without MAC learning?I mean like ASR routers that have VPWS(xconnect) running and only know left and right without an...
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Member Since ‎02-20-2023 10:58 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-12-2024 12:03 AM
Posts 55
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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