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Member since ‎02-26-2003

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Hello all:I am trying to protect few ipphones connected to a C3550 switch. The following acl was apply to the vlan interface of the ipphones:permit udp host eq 69permit udp host eq 69p...
Hello all:After performing an upgrade from 6.3(4) to 7.0(1) version the following problems arose:1. Inside hosts could no connect to the Internet.2. Outside hosts could no access published web servers with static staments.I performed the following te...
Hello all,I am working with the following solution:1. 2 37002. Each router has a connection to a different ISP.3. A firewall behind the routersTo simplify things, I would like to perform stateful nat on the 3700's instead of the firewall. Here is the...
Hello all,I am trying to upgrade a 3550-12G from Version 12.1(19)EA1c to 12.1.(22) using the archive command. I setup the tftp server and used:archive download-sw /overwrite tftp:// process stop with the following error mes...
Hello all,I am trying to setup a vpn tunnel between a Pix 525 VAC (6.3(3)) and a Firewall-1 NG with AES-256 encryption.After configuring both devices as per Cisco documentation. Traffic flowing from inside Pix to Firewall internal resource does not p...
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Member Since ‎02-26-2003 03:11 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 73