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Member since ‎04-28-2023

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  • 11 Posts
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 Dears, I have FortiGate as internet FW, I need to configure Cisco DUO as 2FA. Any Guide step by step, please. How intgrate FG with Cisco DUO and Cisco ISE? How can I make an authorization policy on ISE and each user has own access policy?   Also, wh...
Dears I have 2 FTDs managed by 2FMCs, FMC has been upgraded, We need to upgrade the 2 FTDs but one by one through CLI as per management request. I uploaded the image on FXOS and FTDs how can I upgrade them through CLI one by one? there is CLI guide? ...
Hello I downloaded and installed ISE Secure Client compliance module on my PC manually,  but it has not been added to AnyConnect. how can I add it to anyconnect as below:   Also, in compliance scenario, the below configuration must configure or the ...
Dears I tried to install lab for ISE on EVE, ISE1,2, and AD installed on Server, Windows, and switch installed on EVE-eg, I configured int VLAN 1 on the switch with, as per attached I can ping Windows from the switch but I can not ping I...
Dears I need to download the Secure client application or AnyConnect 4.10 to build the lab for ISE v3.2 but I can not download the application as I did not have a license, what can I do? any support, please AnyConnect 4.10 is available to customers w...
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Member Since ‎04-28-2023 07:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2024 08:19 PM
Posts 11