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Member since ‎05-02-2017

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I'm trying to find a command that will show encryption and hash strength / keysize for IKEv1.For IKEv2 it's easy, showing 128b AES and 256b SHA:rtr1#show crypto ikev2 sa[...]Encr: AES-GCM, keysize: 128, PRF: SHA256, Hash: None, DH Grp:14, Auth sign: ...
Does anyone know where to find other values for DiffHellmanGrp, EncryptAlgo and AuthAlgo? The values provided by the Cisco MIBs in Git seem to be decades old (encryption only des or 3des, Diffie-Hellman only up to group 2), but my device returns high...
Hi, I'm currently trying to make the following scenario work: Traffic comes from Tunnel1 interface configured with ip nat outside and VRF. The source IP address is NATted to Gi1 interface set with ip nat inside without VRF. Everything works when insi...
FYI: We are running IOS 15.2(4)E2 on our switch, but Nessus scan detected mode 6 still enabled in this IOS, although "15.2(4)E" is in Fixed releases.
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Member Since ‎05-02-2017 12:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-23-2024 08:23 AM
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