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Level 1
Member since ‎07-11-2019

User Statistics

  • 136 Posts
  • 20 Solutions
  • 66 Helpful votes Given
  • 167 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello,I have a lab with 3 sites.Site ID 1 is the main one, vbond, vmanage, and vsmart all of them has 10.X IP range assigned fro VPN 0 interface and it's then statically NATed to public IP.Site ID 100 has vEdge with a public IP assigned to interface ...
Hi, So recently I'm having fun with Cisco CSR 1000V which is virtual router and I noticed one thing. Under heavy load show process platform showing high usage around 70-90% meanwhile process CPU sits at 0-2%. Can you tell me what is the difference be...
Hi All, I have a problem with ZBFW (on router). I tried to set it up like (I think) should it be, so Inside can initiate connection to the outside and to router itself but outside cannot initiate connection to inside and to router it self. Based on b...
Hi, It's very basic question but I would like to be sure because I didn't find a clear and simple answer.When I setting up a class-map to inspect traffic (match-any) I need to choose which protocols to inspect but do I understand this correctly if I ...
Hi, I installed CSR1000v router on my hyper-v with demo license AX 2,5gbps and I tried some throughput test. During testing (around 600MB/s should be 900+) I discovered that one core is fully loaded when others are not. VM router have assigned 4 vcpu...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-11-2019 01:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-09-2023 08:38 AM
Posts 136
Total Helpful Votes Received 167
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