Hello, does anyone here know how to enable noise suppression on the handset in the Cisco SIP firmware (ATTENTION: SIP firmware, not Enterprise or 3PCC/MPP), and is it possible to change the ring tones (indications)?
Hello,how can I use a phonebook in SIP Firmware 14.3.1?In the SEPMAC.cfg.xml file, I tried the following:Using the phonebook.xml directly:<directoryURL></directoryURL>And also a menu.xml:<directoryURL>http://192.168.1....
Hello everyone,I have a question about setting up a background image on the Key Expansion Module (KEM) connected to a Cisco 8865 with Multiplatform Firmware (MPP).I was able to set up a background image on the main screen of the phone, but I can't fi...
Hello everyone,I’m looking for a way to disable outgoing calls for a specific extension (Extension 2) on a Cisco 8851 with Multiplatform Firmware (MPP). It’s important that incoming calls continue to work as usual.I’m not using CUCM or provisioning f...
I was too quick. I have to use a PHP file instead of an XML file for that.#directory.php:<?phpheader("Content-type: text/xml");?><CiscoIPPhoneDirectory><Title>Contacts</Title><Prompt>Select Entry:</Prompt><DirectoryEntry><Name>TEST</Name><Telephone>1...
Is there a solution to this now? I couldn't solve the issue, and I believe that Cisco does not provide support for wallpapers on a KEM with the Multiplatform. I request a statement regarding my statement and would like to be properly informed by a Ci...
Is that correct?/Desktops/800x400x24/List.xml:<CiscoIPPhoneImageList><ImageItem Image=”TFTP:Desktops/800x400x24/cisco1.png” URL=”TFTP:Desktops/800x400x24/cisco1.png”/></CiscoIPPhoneImageList>
Hello,thank you for your response. Where can I find the List.xml? Currently, I don’t have a List.xml, but only a spacfg.xml, which I can access via the URL https://IP/admin/advanced/spacfg.xml.