Nithin Eluvathingal
Member since ‎03-30-2012

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Prime Collaboration Deployment (PCD) is Cisco’s free tool that can be used for the following tasks: Upgrading UC applicationsMigrating UC applicationsFresh installing UC applicationsCOP installationRestarting UC applications In this blog, I will dem...
A “Fresh Install with Data Export” is a native method used to migrate UC application clusters to a new version while preserving the existing configuration data. I personally prefer using Cisco’s PCD for migrations. However, since PCD is in survival ...
Upgrading UC nodes one by one is a thing of the past. Prime Collaboration Deployment (PCD) is the best tool for upgrades, allowing you to upgrade the cluster and switch versions from the same place. I’m a big fan of PCD. However, I believe Cisco is m...
A “Fresh Install with Data Export” is a native method used to migrate UC application clusters to a new version while preserving the existing configuration data. I personally prefer using Cisco’s PCD for migrations. However, since PCD is in survival m...
Cisco Prime will reach EOS September 29, 2023. The replacement with DNAC. This is a network post and not Collaboration topic. So moving to Network Community.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-30-2012 07:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 5,635
Total Helpful Votes Received 10237
Cisco Designated VIPs
2021 IP Telephony, Unified Communications
Cisco Designated VIPs
2022 IP Telephony, Unified Communications
Cisco Designated VIPs
2023 Collaboration, IP Telephony
Cisco Designated VIPs
2024 Collaboration, IP Telephony
Community Spotlight Award
English Community Questions Answered, December 2020