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Member since ‎10-26-2023

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  • 1 Helpful votes Received
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Hello guys,I am trying to deploy a WebAdmin-Certificate for our 5508 Cluster.I've downloaded the request via TFTP from the WLC and handed it to our internal Windows CA.certreq -submit -attrib "CertificateTemplate:MyTemplate" [Path to file]The problem...
Hello guys,since a few days we've been facing an issue on one of our main production sites. Other locations seem to be fine at the moment.The problem is that some of the users can't authenticate to our primary SSID which is secured by 802.1X.We are u...
Hello guys, I'd like to change the Management and Redundancy-Management Addresses on our two WLC 5508 which are in a HA-Cluster.We are also upgrading the firmware version (including the AP Supplementary Bundle). Currently one node is in the UP/Active...
Hello guys,I've been facing an issue for which I need some assistance.We are currently in the progress of switching our Core-Switching Network to Aruba CX 10000-Series switches.In the progress of that we'd like to migrate our current 5508 WLC HA-Clus...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-26-2023 06:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-11-2024 11:43 PM
Posts 6
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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