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Member since ‎04-12-2007

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We're running CUCM 10.5(2) and I'm trying to get a 7914 expansion module up and running with either a 7960G or 7961G.  In both instances the module just sits there with the first lamp blinking red.  Not ALL the lamps as many troubleshooting documents...
Hi,I've been polishing up on my CCSP since I'm currently in a job where I don't have to touch a lot of that stuff.  While doing a lab I setup an IPSec site to site VPN between two IOS routers. For example: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9422/...
Twice in the past two weeks my ASA 5520s in an Active/Standby setup have failed over when it appears there should have been no reason to.I think this is is 3 or 4 times total they've done it since I implemented them. After the first false failover m...
I'm trying to disable NAT from our Linux subet ( to our DMZ ( but am failing miserably.On the IT subnet ( identity NAT works perfectly, the PC of my workstation translates to itself on the DMZ. So I though, easy e...
I'm trying to SSH from to but not having any luck. The Linux server has two NICs, one is and the other is The default gateway for this server is set to If I set the default gateway...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-12-2007 09:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 12:31 PM
Posts 41
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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