David Rodriguez
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎03-23-2011

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Hi,   We have a pair of Nexus 5548 switches running on nxos 7.0 release for a while now and all the interfaces have been 0 errors or discards. We recently updated to 7.1 release and all of the busier interfaces on the switch show mass amount of disca...
Hi,We have had a pair of Nexus 5548 switches running on nxos 7.0 release for a while now and all the interfaces have been 0 errors or discards. We recently updated to 7.1 release and all of the busier interfaces on the switch show mass amount of disc...
Hi,We currently have a pair of Nexus 5k's using FCoE.Switch 1 is using vsan 11 (vlan 11) and Switch 2 is using vsan 12 (vlan 12), this is serving FCoE to the UCS system.We have a physical server that we need to connect to the Nexus 5k's via FC. Can w...
Hi,We are running Cisco UCS 2.1(2a), B200 M3 blades, Nexus 5k switching and vSphere 5.1 Update 1If we are not running Cisco 1000v virtual switching and just using VMware vDS, what should the port-channel load balancing method be set to on the Nexus 5...
Hi, if i'm using 2 server ports per chassis, and wish to add another 2, besides plugging in the cables and settings the ports on the interconnect for "Configure as Server Port" is there anything else that is needed and is there any disruption to traf...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-23-2011 10:54 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 24
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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