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Member since ‎04-05-2006

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What does the "keepalive-enable" command do?So it looks like this command is added by default when you enable SSO on a 6500 series switch with dual SUP720's.My guess is it is a safety mechanism to communicate keepalives between the two SUP's to monit...
I have a pair of 6500 switches with SUP720's and I'm wondering if you have a layer 2 vlan trunked between the two switches and your trying to diagnose Utilization issues:How do you measure that?I know you could look at the port-channel that is trunki...
When I start my router it's giving me an error message and was wondering if someone could help me out.error reads as:"Configuration of vLAN subinterfaces and maininterface within the same bridge group is not permittedPlease configure the bridge group...
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Member Since ‎04-05-2006 08:21 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-27-2021 09:57 PM
Posts 4