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Member since ‎09-07-2011

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Hi everybody,My ISP gave me a /56 block of IPv6 adresses.For our network, we split this block into /64 subnets.The problem is:For each of our subnets (/64), my ISP has to add a route on their router. I asked them if they could put a summarized route ...
Hi everybody,I'm running a lab with GNS3 which is composed of 2 ASA's (8.4.2) and one host behind each ASA.In this lab I want to set up a Lan-to-Lan VPN with both peer in IPv6, and internal networks still IPv4. (both peers are in dual-stack)According...
Hi,Firstable, know that I am a beginner in the IPv6 world..My ISP just gave me an IPv6 block : 2A01:XXXX:1: 100::/56 I have a Cisco ASA running behind my ISP router (see the attached schema)..The internal interface of the ISP router is configured lik...
Hello,According to the ASA logs, a lot of dns packets (from root dns servers) are dropped because they exceed the limit of 512 bytes (size limit fixed in dns inspection).It seems corresponding to DNSSEC packet.Which value should I use for the DNS pac...
Hello,Since the 8.3 release, addresses used in ACL have to be untranslated ones.But it is not compatible with our configuration.I explain :We have 2 static NAT rules :- (Static Policy) MyHost is converted to when the destination is X- (Static...
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Member Since ‎09-07-2011 12:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 43