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Member since ‎09-05-2012

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I know by doing the, frame-relay map ip <x.x.x.x> (dlci #) broadcast routing protocols work in my lab inside of packet tracer. But when I was just doing inverse arp dynamically, "Serial0/0 (up): ip dlci 25, dynamic, broadcast, CISCO, statu...
If VLAN 1 is native, does that mean when you assign another VLAn to be native, VLAN 1 is no longer native and the other VLAN is? meaning you can only have one?
Such a simple question in which I forgot. Is frame relay a setup companys use for thier own WAN or is it basically one way the ISP (internet) is set up that can connect to other parts of a companys (sub places)? so If I want to make my own practice s...
I just ordered used switches and routers from eBay and I was wondering was thier a way to have each device with a console cable somehow connected to my computer? I heard having a console to serial then serial to usb on a hub would work, any feed back...
Which version of IOS for the 2621 supports NAT?
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Member Since ‎09-05-2012 09:35 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 8