Dear All,My team is facing problem in using Java custom classes for UCCX 8.5.1 SU3The problem is that we have created some conditional prompts for currency in different languages, our custom java class contains two mathods GetEnglishString(parameter ...
Hi All,We have following queries needs to be answered:1> We have custom build CTI Driver for Siebel (CTI.dll) used to integrate Siebel CRM with Cisco CM. Can we use same dll to make SoftPhone?2> From where we get API Reference manual for programmers ...
Dear all,I had observed that in MENU and Get Digit String steps filter also contains "A, B, C & D" buttons. Whereas in Extended Get Digit String step we can put A to Z whatever we want.My question is that, if I have any option(for menu) with B or...
Dear all,I am new in Cisco IPCC development. I have created the IPCC IVR Solution for one of our client and IVR is working fine under the production environment.Production environment is two IPCC Servers with database but Databse is shared (i-e on an...
Dear All,I had created some solution in my development environment and tested it succesfully. While on deploying the Script file, I tried to open it to refresh the database schema for DB Write step and faced the error in attachment.Note that the java...
Hi Andrejs and others,Can you please elaborate the steps that how you create DSN and use DB Steps? as we are facing Issue in creating DSN that is required in DB Steps.Our requirement is as under:> We have to use DB Write component to log IP IVR relat...
Dear All,We are also getting DSN error. Our requirement is as under:> We have to use DB Write component to log IVR related data in custom created tables.In my previous experience with UCCX 6.5/7, on Windows 2000 server and SQL Server, I easily create...
Dear Gregely,I had captured the IIS logs and found that IIS is responding with HTTP 500. I also captured low level logs with WireShark and found that I was sendig single quote in place of double quote String soapRequestTXT = "\n"After fixing ...