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Member since ‎05-08-2008

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I configured my 2504 to run the latest software and it works just fine with my 1142s running LWAPP. However, I want to run them in my home and there is no Ethernet cabling. Looking through all the Cisco pages I cannot find any reference to setting th...
I am spinning up a new VDI environment in another subnet behind our ASA 5525. There are currently three internal subnets:inside /24 security 100dmz /24 security 50citrix /24 security 100I have Citrix users connecting i...
Greetings,I was finally able to get a secondary ASA 5525X firewall into my collocation facility. I have a single uplink to the Internet (collocation port on patch panel) from Gi0/0 on my primary 5525X. I have a /26 block of IP addresses, so I can eas...
So, I have been presented with an interesting challenge. I would prefer using an internal Linux host to solve this, but my manager is convinced the ASA can do this. Hope this is the correct group. This is a NAT and routing question.We have two VPN tu...
I inherited two 5525-X firewalls. The one has a VPN Premium License, while the other I can only get to boot into ROMMON mode. There also does not appear to be any flash drive on which I can save the config, so I am guessing the two were bought to be ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-08-2008 07:20 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-23-2018 02:01 AM
Posts 117
Total Helpful Votes Received 4
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