Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎06-04-2008

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do the sub-interface of ASA firewall has limit of bandwidth? or how does the bandwidth of the physical interface divided among the sub-interface? is there a cisco documentation url link that explains this?
Hi experts,I would like to know what is exactly the current throughput of device? How can we calculate if the device is reaching it's throughput?For example if router 7200VXR has maximum throughput of 520 mbps as per Cisco documents.How can we measur...
Hi ,I need some advice on how to start troubleshooting on one the issue on ACE. I am new to ACE/Load balancers.The application if is bypassed ACE , it works fine . When it is accessed through the ACE the application timeouts.Any help will be apprecia...
Hi,I am creating a new Dial peer with new translation profile.i already have a dial-peer that has same destination-pattern 706543.... but with different translation profile/rule.My question is how will the dial peer  be selected will it be based on d...
HiI am getting a 10 digit DID from my provider and i am trying it to map to an extension. I am configuring CUBE 3825 router.num-exp 7065432223(DID)  34555 (user's extension)But it's not working. I am doing something wrong here.I do have incoming dial...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-04-2008 09:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 389
Total Helpful Votes Received 145