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Level 3
Member since ‎04-15-2004

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I was running a TraceRoute to a remote server that goes through our new ASA5516x Firewalls, via a Private link to our Partner site, I know it is at least 5 hops in to reach this server, as we just migrated from our older 55xx EOL Firewalls, and could...
I have seen configuration examples for a single router VPN redundancy to a pair of routers, but what if you have a pair of routers at each end? I am hoping to achieve full VPN failover redundancy for any device failure. Is it as simple as adding the ...
New 4351/4331 Routers, configuring simple Multicast as currently running on other model routers.(pim sparse-dense-mode)Stream to destination works when the Router source Gigabit port is placed directly on the MCast Source network, but fails when plac...
We have a situation where we host an Image Server locally, but the Application Server that serves up the Images is at a Remote Vendor site that we access through a 2811 Router using NAT.The Image Server has a NAT address on the Vendor DMZ network, an...
I am planning an implementation of VSS on our two 6509 switches, and would like some feedback on things to look out for, and any issues encountered by others that have done this already.We have the 10Gig port installed on the Management blades, but n...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-15-2004 11:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-01-2020 11:06 AM
Posts 172
Total Helpful Votes Received 50
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