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Member since ‎08-06-2003

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Bonjour,J'ai un soucis avec une configuration qui implique un Cisco ASA 5520 et des Linksys WRV2x0 (200 et 210). Il y a aussi des Dlink DI804HV (mais étrangement eux ne pause aucun soucis) :Schéma rapide :LAN1 (1.1.1.x)----( ASA5520 (
The web ui on my WRV200s (I have about 100 pieces...) intermittently becomes inaccessible.  It usually dies within a day or two, but sometimes it will stay up for a couple weeks. The router still responds to pings while in this state and everything e...
Hello,I try several configuration to make a "correct" Site-to-site VPN between a RV082 (Firmware and a Cisco 2811 (firmware advsecurity 12.4(15)T9 - using SDM interface)A each time the VPN work correctly.... during few minutes and after it ...
Hello,I configure an SPA2102 for a fax (HP 2840 Multifonction Printer).I upgrade SPA2102 to 5.2.10 firmwareWhen I send Fax, all is okBut when I want receive a fax, the fax machine doesn't answer (no ring). I connect an analog phone after the Fax for ...
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Member Since ‎08-06-2003 05:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 14