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Member since ‎05-13-2003

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Good afternoon,It appears that all of the roles that were available to assign to users are now missing.  Two weeks ago I associated several users to our account and assigned roles to them, but now the roles are gone and users cannot do anything in th...
Is this a bug or a feature?  Timesync appears to be working properly even though it's confused on whether it actually is or not, I just thought you should know.Thanks,Leonard
Good afternoon,We are running CSPC 2.11 and when trying to run the software update from within the CSPC via the Software Update tab, it is failing.  I had our Security department whitelist the URLs per the CSPC Software Upgrade guide, but it still ap...
Good afternoon,My API calls to are failing, is there an issue with it?  I am able to get my token but not able to make the actual API call.  This had worked previously, my applications are active and my key is valid. Thank you,Leonard
Good morning,My manager is trying to register for access to the SNTC portal but is having issues.  I believe I have all relevant information - CCOID, email, contract number, serial number - but who can help us with this?Thank you,Leonard
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-13-2003 10:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-24-2024 01:37 AM
Posts 59
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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