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Member since ‎05-22-2009

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We have a Windows Small Business Server 2003 running Microsoft CRM 3.0 that we're in the process of upgrading to SBS 2011 with Microsoft CRM 2011.We run a Cisco UC500 phone system and had the "Cisco Microsoft CRM Connector" working with CRM 3. It app...
We are using B-ACD for imcoming calls, the hunt group for BACD has 5 members. I want people to be able to login/logoff from this hunt group.I have this working with the DND button, but then the phone doesn't ring when the extension is dailed directly...
I am getting the "java.lang.NullPointerException" error in CCA 2.2(6) when I access the "voice" menu. I havn't been able to use any of the CCA versions since 2.2.2. For some reason 2.2(2) still works fine.Attached are my UC520 config info and the CCA...
I was looking for a way to have a phone ring again or somehow notify the user that they still have someone on hold. I found that cisco has something for CallManager called "Hold Reversion" which seems to do this.
I currently have a UC520 in a home office with 3 phones and desktops connected to it. But I also have an office in a shop at the other end of the property, around 700 feet away.We have had a Cat5 ethernet cable linking the 2 sites for the past few ye...
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Member Since ‎05-22-2009 04:36 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 70
Total Helpful Votes Received 19
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