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Member since ‎05-17-2007

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We are moving from an ASA5545-X to an FTD-2110 (in FTD mode). On the ASA, we can define the VPN group policies per user in the LOCAL user manager. Is there a place to do this on the FTD? I have not been able to locate this, and I am trying to prevent...
Is it possible to use VRRP with 2 different interfaces on the same router? The hope is to use 1 4451-X with 2 interfaces going to a switch stack so that if a link fails the VRRP will allow the traffic to use the other interface elsewhere in the stack...
We are deploying Cisco ASA FTD firewalls and each site has dual internet with static IPs. We are wanting to create a VPN between the sites with the ability to failover to the backup internet. We have an ASA-5508-X at the main location, and ASA-5506-X...
We have a Firesight manager 6.0.1 and an ASA 5545-X running 9.5(2)5. We are trying to create a remediation that will add an object to the ACL named "Blacklist" The object would be the Source IP. I would like it to add the objects name as: Sourcefire-...
We have purchased an ASA 5506W-X, and want to have the wireless clients on the same network as the wired clients. The built-in wifi AP is off interface gi1/9 and the wired are off gi1/2. I have even tried creating a new interface VLAN 2 on gi1/2, but...
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Member Since ‎05-17-2007 04:39 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-22-2022 12:08 AM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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