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Member since ‎04-12-2010

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Hi All,I am getting the following log though the site to site vpn tunnel between two peers is still up and running fine without any complaints.Also I checked the interesting traffic (ACL) config and it is same at both ends.Jun 11 16:10:22 utc: %CRYPT...
Hi All,I have configured my 2951 router to send logs to my Kiwi syslog server like below.#logging I am not receiving any logs from my router, the same has configured on my asa5520 and its sending logs.Can someone please tell me that sh...
Hi,There was a device in CiscoWorks and removed 3 days back.Before the device was successfully archived inventory and config.Is there any way to get the device config from old archive?Jopeti.
Hi All, I have Cisco 1921, 10 MB internet link terminated and have DMVPN tunnels to our DC.When I observed the tunnel details, found that the Tunnel transmit bandwidth 8000 (kbps). Does this mean that the tunnel can trans/received max 8 Mbps only? I ...
Hi All,We have MPLS connected to router, this IP have BGP peer with AT&T router.Internet (DMVPN) connected to rotuer.Because of some other requirements we need to swap the LAN interface IP's of the both routers As the DMVPN router...
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Member Since ‎04-12-2010 11:50 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
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