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Member since ‎08-07-2007

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Hi Every body, This is to announce in the forum , I have alot trouble facing in the IP Phone .This is causing my production & Client interaction Problems. my Network has 2 Mpbs Leased line I have around 10 IP Phones and only 3 three are critical, ...
Hi , We have recently purchased fortinet devices for all of our branches. We are new for that. Is there any body has worked on fortinet and give me a suggestions. whether the device is suitable to purchase at least. we are struggling at the device?
Hi Network Expertise, Can you please explain me, What is the Etherchannel and where this will be used and the advantageous and disadvantageous ?
Can you please explain me what is ip phone and how does it work and what are the things to be configured in the network to make it work and what are the network components are required ?
Hi Can you please give me a commands to configure the RIP Protocol in Layer 3 Switch ?
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Member Since ‎08-07-2007 04:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 17