Turns out the issue was a button was triggering a segue defined on a Storyboard that led to a view controller object that was of the CJGuestCallController class. This is fine to do, but you need to prepare the segue to provide the data (servername, u...
Thomas-Do you see any other diagnostic output in XCode's console if you debug you app live? The SDK does have an API that can be leveraged to retrieve diag files, but it's just easier to pull from the console.steve
Do you recall how the alternate extensions were originally added? Was it through the SA, or was it through something like BulkEdit? Either way should have been just fine, but there were some alternate extension issues in 4.0(3). See CSCec49342. Prior...
For the conversation errors, you might want to make sure that the prompts listed in the avcsmgr diag that was attached are really present on the system. I seem to recall a similar case with a similar error, and that was the cause; a missing prompt.Fo...