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Level 1
Member since ‎10-29-2002

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  • 149 Posts
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  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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I have three subscribers that are too old to upgrade, and apparentlytoo old to take advantage of the new bridge upgrade feature.I have three new servers itching to replacement, but no media thatmatches the vintage running on the old servers.The three...
I am faced with the requirement to consolodate Unity servers from five timezones intoone central system.  The user account side of the house is fairly straight forward,just using GSM to move accounts and bulk edit to set the appropriate timezoneand d...
I have a pair of ACE modules installed and maintained through ANM.  Westarted with ANM 2.X and recently upgraded to 3.0.The ACE modules were running code A1(6.3) and are now on A2(2.3).ANM is identifying the devices as Device Type ACE v1.0, and devic...
Earlier this week we had a Sup720 fail. It was in a master/slave (SSO?) config and the backup properly took over running the switch.Unfortunately the failed blade did not fail completely, and kept rebooting attempting to reclaim control and then reb...
I am stuck during an upgrade from 4.0(5) to 4.2(1).This is the tenth server using the same media image, and the only one to have a problem. The install claimes that \CD1Support\CommonIWF.txt has a bad path, except the install media does nothave a CD...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-29-2002 05:13 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 149
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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