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Member since ‎12-16-2002

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Has anyone seen these accounts before? They appear to be hidden and we'd like to get rid of them if they aren't needed.We have adminexch2 and adminexch3Thanks!
Hi,We have a situation where the phone cannot dial a DN - we get fast busy. But if the phone is on another call and places it on hold, dials the same DN from above, it goes through. What ??I'd love to hear an explanation for this one.Thanks!Erik
Has anyone seen this before? On the screen we just see question marks instead of the red or green icon to indicate line status. I've tried TCD and CTI restarts plus checking the phone number in the Global Directory that it matches what's on screen.An...
Has anyone seen this before? On the screen we just see question marks instead of the red or green icon to indicate line status. I've tried TCD and CTI restarts plus checking the phone number in the Global Directory that it matches what's on screen.An...
In the Trace configuration I have unchecked the SDL "Trace On" but the files keep growing!Any ideas ? ?Thanks,Erik
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Member Since ‎12-16-2002 01:37 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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