Level 5
Level 5
Member since ‎11-19-2016

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  • 575 Posts
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  • 384 Helpful votes Received
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Hi,   Can someone tell me how to check or view temporary self signed certificate generated by ASA using CLI? Also, is temporary self signed certificate generated once command "http server enable" is entered? And, what happens if disable http server a...
Please tell me if ISR 4000 support OC3/12 circuits. I haven't been able to find any information on cisco regarding OC3/OC12 support by ISR 4000. If ISR 4000 series routers don't support OC3/12 then please advise which other ISR series routers without...
Is it possible to write a script that would start a capture point and then stop it after 5 minutes and then export it to a tftp server, then again wait for few minutes to re-start the capture point and repeat the whole process again?   We need to cap...
Hello,   Is there any possibility to configure a traffic-forwarding interface and connect it to a SPAN port on a switch when ASA with FirePower module is configured in routed mode? Is there any workaround?     Thanks!
I need someone to verify this script and let me know if this will work in an event when there are more than 2 line errors detectedon the serial interface. I haven't worked with EEM in the past so please let me know if I have configured it incorrectly...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-19-2016 12:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-26-2018 12:04 AM
Posts 575
Total Helpful Votes Received 384