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Member since ‎07-01-2012

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  • 13 Posts
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  • 10 Helpful votes Given
  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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Hello!I'm trying to automate my FMC deployment to be able to add rules with some ease, been looking at and their examples but I'm stuck when trying to add a firewall rule with a port number. I've got as far a...
Hi!We recently setup a new deployment with ISE 3.1 Patch 3. Our old setup is still up and running with ISE 2.7.We took the backup from the 2.7 deployment and deployed into the 3.1 setup. Everything seemed fine at first glance.The plan was to switchov...
Hey! We're currenty running ISE 2.2 Patch 11 in a distrubuted deployment and looking to go and upgrade to 2.6 however I'm a bit worried something will stop working even though we only do wired and wireless AAA. Is it possible to backup the distribute...
Hey! FXOS: 2.2 and 2.3FTD: 6.2.2 build 81FMC: 6.2.3 build 84. Looking to upgrade our 4100 setup. We're looking to go up to far as I understand you should do the upgrade in the following steps FMC--> FXOS --> FTD?Is it possible to go from FT...
Hi! I'm having problem registration the smartnet collector with a trial version.   I'm getting the following error message "Failed to download registration file from Cisco Backend. Please try again." after entering my CCO credentials.   I've checked ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-01-2012 02:31 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 01:57 PM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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