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Member since ‎02-22-2017

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Hi team,I want to upgrade a cisco ise server (two-node distributed deployment.) from 2.1 to 2.6 using backup/restore method.If I use backup /restore method ,Do I need to run the URT on the production secondary PAN or running URT is only recommend via...
Hi , I get this messages : The Warning message is: A RAID-event has occurred: RAID disk 0: Serial Number xxxxxxxxRAID disk 1: Serial Number xxxxxxxxx Version: 11.0.3-238Serial Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   Does The version 11.0.3-238 is affected by...
 Hola, Me podrian indicar cual es la mejor manera para ejecutar un backup de un esa que se encuentra en modo cluter y que este backup sea util para restaurarlo en alguno de estos 2 escenarios: 1)Falla 1 esa en el cluster.2)fallan los 2 esas en el clu...
Hi folks,I have two ESAs  in cluster mode and they are running the 11.1 software version.What is the best way to backup/restore  a system in case of failure for example:1)Only fail one ESA.2)The two esas fail.I need to remove the cluster to perform a...
 Hola,   Tengo configurado un FTD en modo in-line -tap. Todos mis paquetes pasan sin problema por las interfaces inline-set debido a que esta inline-tap. Tengo configurado mi access control policy en allow y el intrusion policy no tiene politicas de...
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Member Since ‎02-22-2017 05:04 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-01-2020 12:02 AM
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