I have couples APs AIR-CAP1532I-H-K9 connected to vWLC These APs have low signal. For test I check by WiFi analyzer on distance 5-10m from AP. And level of signal -60-70dBi. Other models APs connected to same vWLC are working good.
Hi guys! I have next question.
I need to replace virtual WLC. There are APs about 40 pcs and ones cannected to vWCL vers. 7.
I'd like install new vWCL version 8 and move all APs to new controller. But I faced with next issue AP does not connect to ne...
Hi Guys!
I faced trouble on IP Phone 6901 with SIP FW: SIP6901.9-3-1-SR2-3, when I dial any number dial started in ~10 sec.
But I have dialplan dialplan.xml, when discribed do it imediatelly (for example to number 201):
Hi Guys!
I faced with problem SFP.
SFF8472 is loaded high CPU. For example , I have 6 SFP now and ~28% CPU utilization.
I noticed each SFP loaded CPU + ~4%. When plugged 24 SFP switch cannot loaded at all
cisco-3750X#show processes cpu sortedCPU u...
AP find controller without problem. There is trouble with certificate (AP has hash key of old conroller). When I reset AP to default?, one is connected to controller. But I'm looking for other way. I wrote about that above.
Maybe is possible replac...