I have a Cisco 3850 I’d like to upgrade to Gibraltar-16.12.05b ( cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.05b.SPA.bin ). Below is the version it's currently running. Can I go directly to Gibralter? show ver | inc IOS-XE
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Ca...
Was wondering if someone could give a second set of eyes on some WiFi Design. I’m at a location with multiple different switch stacks, each stack has a L3 IP scheme for ethernet, and a separate L3 IP Scheme for WiFi. I wasn’t around during initial i...
I'm looking for media converter suggestions for a temporary fix connecting a Single Mode Fiber to a MultiMode Fiber cable. Multi Mode is Orange OC1, Single Mode is yellow.. I'm not on site an don't have specifics.. thanx
Thats one of the things that has me confused... Right now the DHCP Server ( core switch ) doesn't have the option 43 in the pool and we don't have a ( that I know of ) a DNS Server here... The AP's do have the "High Availability" tab configured th...