I recently update the firmware to "c7301-advipservicesk9-mz.152-4.S6.bin" everything worked fine until I did "show log"
I get the below error
*May 23 12:46:18.151: %PA-3-NOTSUPPORTED: PA in slot1 (Unknown (type 1200)) is not supported on this im...
When I wired directly to cisco 3750 switch, I am able to get download up to 200mbp with wireless controller 2504 with AP1702 I internet speed about 44mbps do you think I might have a misconfiguration some where
I am newb trying to preparing for my C...
I was able to configure 2504 wireless controller once configured I plugged in the AP to POE port on 2504, I see the AP with Flashing Green but 2504 doesn't see the AP, what could be wrong any guidance will be appreciated.
Router log is filled with below message, how do I stop this from happening.
.Jan 14 14:48:34.305: %SSH-4-SSH2_UNEXPECTED_MSG: Unexpected message type has arrived. Terminating the connection.Jan 14 16:41:19.993: %SSH-4-SSH2_UNEXPECTED_MSG: Unexpected...
everything seem to be working fine after the full IOS load, I am not seeing any problem so should I be ignoring this message.
How to find out what share ports?
I update the firmware how do I update the "Boot loader" to the newest version.
Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W8-M), Version 15.3(3)JA10, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupportCopyright (c) 1986-2016 b...
Thank you Scott, I didn't even notice, I had autonomous code until you pointed it out, you are a genius.
Loaded the latest code 1140-rcvk9w8-tar.152-2.JB and AP Join the WLC