Istvan kelemen
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Member since ‎01-15-2013

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Hello, Does anybody know how I can suppress transit link prefixes in OSPF/IS-IS?Shall I use unnumbered addressing?
Hello,I have been trying to test the following failure scenario but I am having issues with basic VXLAN connectivity.I have tried 3 different versions, but only 7.0 supports VLAN over Peer-Link.7.0 performance is awful compared to 9.2 and 9.x version...
Hello Dears, I am playing around with the latest Nexus 9000v release 9.3(1).The setup is the following:  The images are deployed on  ESXI 6.7.0, 9484548.  VM resources: 4*CPUs( E7- 4870 @ 2.40GHz ) 8GB RAM.  Spines are CSR1000v 16.12.01a, they are th...
Hi Guys, I have been trying to get ORR working for ages... Finally I managed to deploy XRv 9k to my ESXi. I configured it as out of band BGP RR, OSPF as IGP. When I enable BGP ORR, RR withdraws all routes from the RR client where the feature is appl...
Hi Guys, I have followed this documentation below, but I did not manage to connect to the console. Firewall is configured correctly, but telnet is refused. "The remote system refused the connection." ESXi 6.0 with vCenter server. XRv version id 6.1....
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Member Since ‎01-15-2013 01:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-21-2022 12:01 AM
Posts 112
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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