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Member since ‎10-26-2011

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I am having difficulty with a site to site VPN using the wrong crypto map. When i try to bring a site to site tunnel up with a 3des / sha1 tunnel the, tunnel tries to use aes / sha1. is there a bug in the 9.1 code that could be causing this issue. I ...
Hello all,I am having difficulty trouble shooting a problem I am having troubles with a firewall rule. I have setup a static Nat rule to a single host ( in my network to allow rdp, when I run packet tracker the rule works, however when I phy...
I am in the process of configuring a remote access VPN to my 1841 router.When i apply the configuration the configuration brings down another point to point vpn and produces the following error when trying to accees via the cisco vpn client.1      13...
Hello All,I am currently trying to migrate from an 1841 router to 5525 ASA. I am having difficultly bring up the VPN tunnel when trying to migrate across, iam currently receiving the below error on the ASA.Received encrypted packet with no matching S...
I am having an issue with a 1552AP that is acting as a MAP, i have a AXIS camera attached to the POE out port via a midspan (midspan that it obtains its data from a data port and poe out port from the camera). The port comes up then appears then fail...
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Member Since ‎10-26-2011 09:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 84
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