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Member since ‎02-02-2006

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I recently got Presence IM up and running, version, 9.0.1, using Jabber for Windows 9.1.1.  I am required to log all conversations so I stood up a postgres server, version 9.1.  I am not having any success with getting messages to log however.  I hav...
I am attempting to get a solid setup for a remote office we have going up and I am running into little issues that I cant seem to get around.Basically, we have a remote office that will have dual ISPs, one hard wired circuit from a local carrier and ...
I am having issues with IP SLA and tracking to inject a different default route.  I am running 15.0(1)M4 so the commands are a little different than what I have used on 12.4 but I followed the 15.0 guide with no luck.Here is what I have.track 123 ip ...
Has anyone been able to use webvpn and a client compatible with VNC enterprise server?  My company just moved to the VNC enterprise server to support encryption and single sign on but the cisco provided VNC client for WebVPN doesnt support encryption...
I am setting up a few different WebVPN profiles I am wondering if there is any way to disable the default page. I am going to give all users specific URLs ( but I would like to completely disable the page if t...
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Member Since ‎02-02-2006 01:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 71
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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