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Member since ‎11-18-2009

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Hello, We are planning to change the PIM dr-priority on a production vlan.  dr-priority was not set earlier hence it took the highest IP address as DR. Unfortunately highest IP address was on a backup switch vlan interface. We would like to make the...
Hi, I have to extend my office vlan (vlan 10) to one of my client office. We have cisco 2811 series rtr & cisco WS-C3750X-48 series switches at both side. Is there any way we can extend vlan over internet connection? Waiting for response on this. Th...
Hello, All my cisco core switches multicast interfaces are enabled with PIM version 2. My understanding of the RP reachable message is that it is relayed down the shared tree to other PIM routers so they know the RP is still up. If they don't receiv...
Dear all, I lost site to site vpn connectivity to one of remote office server from my office network after configured a static nat for public access for this server. It seems static nat is preferred over nat0 (vpn) hence i cannot access server over ...
Dears, I am going to have the attached setup for one of my new project. I would like to know whether the planned design will work with our requirements or not.  1) As attached we are going to have 3xADSL 100mb link ( 100mb download with 25 upload) wh...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-18-2009 08:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 06:35 PM
Posts 275
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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