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Member since ‎06-19-2002

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We have a Cat9500 we are using as a intermittent switch for public ISP access to take advantage of the 10 Gig linkups.  The switch is not to be part of our internal network other than the Management interface for configurations.  My concern is how to...
I have noticed these errors on both Cat9500 we have upgraded from cat9k_iosxe.16.11.01.SPA.bin to a new IOS.   Any ideas?  did not have these errors before.Switching, LAN Switching
we were advised that a new application will need multicast to work.  the Server in on a vpc vlan 2012 on our 9508-9396-2200network. I created a separate trunk between the 9508s for this project and created vlan 36 to be allowed on this trunk and remo...
After upgrading the IOS of our Cat9500 to Version 16.12.4, we starting getting several Rx power low warnings: Mar 9 09:27:39 EST: %SFF8472-3-THRESHOLD_VIOLATION: Twe2/0/1: Rx power low warning; Operating value: -10.3 dBm, Threshold value: -8.0 dBm.Ma...
we have been tasked with setting up LDAP authentication for local access to our catalyst 9500's running cat9k_iosxe.16.12.04.SPA.bin.  Is this doable?  I have found no example configurations to help. thanks 
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Member Since ‎06-19-2002 04:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-12-2022 08:47 AM
Posts 109
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