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Member since ‎07-07-2003

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Hey Gang, Here is a new one that we are troubleshooting. Maybe someone has ran in to this. We have a pair of 9800-80 WLCs running in HA that we have been slowly migrating to from our 8540s. The 9800 system is doing an HA switchover daily, sometimes t...
Hey Gang,  Hope that everyone is well out there.We are running in to a lot of garbage when doing debugs from our 8540 WLC. Let's start by saying that we are an environment that uses the Eduroam wireless system. Our radius severs for the eduraom WLAN ...
Hey Gang,I am running code on my 8540 WLC HA Pair. When running a debug client xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx yesterday I receive a lot of the data that I will paste below. Has anyone else experienced this? Maybe a bug when running debug?There were hun...
Hey Gang, I just build out a new PI 3.5 system and the amount of minor ap alarms for Unclassified Rogue AP Detected is just unreal. I am talking up to 6,000 or more per day. We have a large environment with multiple locations so it gets crazy clearin...
We have a site to site VPN connection between two colleges. The remote college has a firewall in between our two ASAs. This week the remote college replaced their Checkpoint firewall with a Palo Alto. Since this happened we can not bring our tunnel b...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-07-2003 07:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2024 07:53 PM
Posts 42
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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