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Level 1
Member since ‎11-23-2011

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  • 9 Posts
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  • 14 Helpful votes Given
  • 10 Helpful votes Received
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Hi Cisco Community, I've developed a small web app that provides the UCP portal feature to an ISE deployment.You can download it on you need assistance or implementation of other features like integration with ...
Hi all,We are testing latest code on our 5508 WLC and we've noticed a very strange beahavior:The ACS is receiving authentication requests from both the active and the standby controllers.We noticed the problem as on the ACS we can see the a...
Hello folks,Years ago I installed some patches on my ACS  4.1.x.x and recently I upgraded the system to 4.2.Now on the upgrade status page the old patches are still there, are they still used by the device? What is expected to happen if I remove them...
Hi guys,Is it possible to configure multiple external web-auth URLs to have a different authentication page for every SSID?
Can an ASA initiate a L2L VPN over NAT-T behind a router?The VPN can be successfully established when our third party start the connection but not when we start it from our end.Many vendors don't support this scenario, I would like to know if Cisco d...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-23-2011 06:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-13-2019 12:39 AM
Posts 9
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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